Sunday, August 15, 2010


I am losing weight, getting into shape, getting fit, shedding some pounds, working out, etc etc etc.. Wrap whatever words you want around it, but the goal is still the same: I don't want to be a fatty any more.

This blog (provided I keep it up-to-date) will be a dumping ground for those ideas I don't want to share directly with other people; they'll likely be observations about myself, about other people, theories about weight loss, and various other garbage you probably won't want to read. But that's cool, it's not for you anyway.

Basically I decided I need a dumping ground for all these half-thought-through ideas I have swirling around in my head. I find that these ideas don't become concrete, tangible or even intelligible until they're spoken out loud or written down. This anonymous blog will allow me to do the latter without having the ideas attached directly to me.

Why an anonymous blog, and not keep a journal? Anonymous blogging is like having a journal that has potentially read by others who don't know you. I think that others might read, and gain some insight into fitness, themselves, etc. from reading these posts. If they don't, no harm lost. Also, a journal is basically a blog (or vise versa) and blogger is an accessible way for me to always have the ability to write.

I think that's it. I'm going to attempt ot keep separate ideas chunked up into different blog posts. Next up is a little about me.

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